Emotional Victory (LIVE ONLY)



Elective - 1 Credit Hour

May 27th to July 29th (No class on June 17th or July 1st)

9:45am CST in Annex West / In-person & Online / No auditing

Instructor: Deb Molder of Midtown Baptist Temple


Emotions are a God-given part of life; however, when they control us or we deny them, we can set ourselves up for both spiritual and physical defeat. This women-only course goes over how to run emotions through the Word of God and apply promises about stability and victory. We’ll look at ways to resolve conflict, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, bitterness, deception, guilt, and why we ladies are under attack in these areas.

Using the original Emotions Study lessons along with the Emotional Victory book, we will learn how to deal with our own emotions biblically and be equipped to teach and counsel others to do the same.

NOTE: This class is a lab-based class and must be attended live in person or live online. Student must attend all 8 classes in order to pass. No auditing. This course caps at 24.

Prerequisite: Foundations 2&3


World Religions & Cults


Freshman Orientation